Spring Home Preparation

This spring home maintenance tip will help you get prepared for spring and summer!
As winter fades away and plants begin to spring to life, it’s a good reminder to take care of some spring home chores. The following items will help you be ready for the new season.

Spring Home Preparation
  • Check all of your window screens. With warmer weather coming, you’ll want to open your windows and let the fresh air in. But, you probably don’t want the bugs. Check screens for holes and tears and repair or replace where needed.
  • Clean out gutters. The last thing you want with spring rain is a clogged gutter. Not only will clogged gutters prevent proper drainage that could damage your home over time, but standing water is a breeding ground for mosquitoes. It goes without saying that no one wants more mosquitoes!
  • Clean and service your lawnmower. It’s been a while since you mowed and your mower has been idle for months. Since spring home chores include weekly mowing, now is a good time to clean your mower and consider having it serviced.
  • Remove dead flowers, plants and shrubs. New growth is appearing, and winter may have killed off a few of your plants. Or at least taken a toll on them leaving them less than attractive. Choose a nice spring day and prune back dead growth and remove those that have seen better days.

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